Mission: End hunger in the classroom through the establishment of school gardens.
Mission: End hunger in the classroom through the establishment of school gardens.
Signed in as:
MAGGIE KAY grew up nestled between two great empires, poverty and education. Both with not only significant influence but also an age-old strife that was rekindled within the lush highlands of the great rift valley, Kenya. This duo’s talent for understanding and influencing the ambitions of those around them made the twain both powerful and compelling figures. And just like most wars, women, and girls became the most afflicted due to the much-maligned patriarchy imprinted by industrial poverty complex. However, with each passing era, she became inculcated into the ranks of education and emerged from the yoke of poverty with a purpose of inspiring the African Child engulfed in penury. She hopes to serve as a mirror for the children who dream, but above all for the children who have the FAITH and DETERMINATION to rise from the depths of oblivion to become the next generation’s living epitomes of success through education. Recently, she has added to her repertoire a coming-of-age memoir, ASK BELIEVE RECEIVE.